5.0 Contact Hours
Healthy Visions / MyCEcredit is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing. Provider No. CEO CEP17185
No outside financial support.
Program Description
The purpose of this activity is to educate medical professionals on the basics of reading Electrocardiograms. ECG Rhythm Primer reviews the basics of identifying the cardiac rhythm in electrocardiogram lead II. It describes the waves, intervals, and a four-step method to identify the rhythm. Rhythm Tutor teaches and reinforces the organized four-question approach to identifying electrocardiogram rhythms.
Participants will need an Android or Apple mobile device with an internet connection sufficient for streaming media.
Learning Objectives
The learner will be able to:
1. Review the PQRST in a normal sinus rhythm.
2. Describe 4 criteria in the identification of Atrial Fibrilation.
3. Compare the difference between Atrial and Ventricular Fibrilation.
4. Identify the 4 AV Block Rhythms
5. Interact with the identify rhythm challenge.
25 Randomized Question Exam 80% or better required for CE credits.
Two attempts allowed.